Gaming and piracy
Gaming is definitely one of the sectors most affected by piracy; even assuming that much of acquires pirate games would never have paid for the original game, we must consider all the effects of piracy both in the short and long term.
Malware proliferation (a pirated game can contain anything)
Penalized gaming experience (many developers include anti-piracy systems)
Less incentive for companies to invest in development
Huge difficulties for small companies making video games
From here the question arises, are there ways to legally download video games at a reduced price or, even better, for free? Here are some platforms where you can buy or redeem free video games:

Steam is the largest game store in existence, every week you can find releases
at a discounted price; in addition, during the sale period, thousands of games are available
at very advantageous prices.

Epic Store
Perhaps one of the most popular stores by the youngest and direct competitor of Steam, every week allows players to receive a free new game for their collection.

Amazon prime gaming
It is a service intended for Prime subscribers that allows you to download every month video games and codes for in-game content.
Humble bundle

Less known but very interesting platform:
each month provides bundles containing several games at a reduced price
(from 1 euro) , the most interesting feature of the platform is that the proceeds of each sale is shared between developers, Humble Bundle and non-profit associations, you can also donate more and decide how to share your offer.